The table I was bending over is only about 2-1/2 feet from her 'rack' (see post of April 10). After removing my pants, she proceeded to select her black leather paddle and layed about a dozen swats on my upturned bottom. As with my previous spanking, the Classic Rock station was on and she set the rhythm of her strokes to the beat of George Thorogood's 'Move It On Over' (this is the song where he comes home and is locked out, so takes shelter in the doghouse). She then replaced the leather paddle and selected the wooden handled strap and applied another dozen with it. The leather in both the leather paddle and strap was certainly raising the temperature of my bottom and she certainly had my attention. She the replaced the strap and pulled the purpleheart paddle off the rack. Now, the weight of that paddle can really make an impression on you. I knew that I would feel the affect of it and she proceeded to apply another dozen or so swats.
Earlier on in our relationship, it seemed like she would hold back, for fear of doing some serious damage. After sharing some of the video material I have collected over the years and after stepping up the intensity of her own spankings, she no longer worries about hurting me. Instead she now knows that a spanking is suppose to hurt. Thus, I certainly felt that I had been disciplined properly by her for my transgression. This feeling left us both quite satisfied: She felt that I had 'paid the price' and I felt that I had been properly spanked and it was now over and forgiven. (Although, the truth is that I would have liked it if she had not stopped when she did).
After putting away the purpleheart paddle, she instructed me
You are a lucky man, she is awesome and very sexy, too bad not over the knee but wow, very hot lap there.
Keep having fun.
By the way, love that brush, true old fashioned hair brush, ouch!
Thanks for the comments. They are very important to those of us who blog.
While the spanking described in this post wasn't OTK, she does her share of those too. Often its a matter of what implements she wants to use or where she happens to be when her fancy is directed towards spanking me. Her 'rack' in the kitchen area of our house contains the larger spanking implements and work better when I am bent over the table. She is able to get a better range of motion than if I were to be over her knee.
On the other hand, our bedroom is now home to her original rack and there are four smaller implements hanging for her convenience including the hairbrush shown in the picture. I am often placed over her lap and spanked with the four implements which can have similar results to the kitchen implements (a well spanked bottom).
Incidentally, the hairbrush is one that was purchased from NuWest/Leda in the 1990's. Being made our of solid, heavy wood, its one of the implements I fear the most even though it looks smaller than a paddle. I am sure those of us who have felt the affects from a similar one know that it can impact harder than a large paddle!
You are very lucky that she cares for you and wants you to always be the BEST. Rachel will do this at home and also outside; either in a rest area, or a field. She always has me bare bottom when doing this and i must always ware panties which she may hang in the bushes or on top of the car door. The great thing is that after the spanking etc. all is forgiven.
where did you purchase the girddle in the photo?
I have admired the contributions to the various groups by you and Rachael over the years.
Yes, I acknowledge that I am a very lucky guy and its especially a special gift from my Lady that she holds me accountable for my actions. However, rather than applying discipline 'outside', she issues one of her 'Notices of Discipline' forms as described in previous posts. For us it is quite effective, but I certainly recognize that we are all different and it may not work for other couples.
As far as panties are concerned, I may write about some of my thoughts in a future post as I too am obsessed with my Ladies panties; especially when she has already worn them. And I know I am not alone.
Thankfully, girdles seem to be making a comeback although most of the vendors refer to them as 'shapewear'. The panty girdle in the pic is labeled 'Underscore'. A web search brought me to the J. C. Penney website, which shows an almost identical girdle but labeled as a 'Crown Foundations Side Zip Cuffed Top Girdle'. We have purchased girdles from Sears, Penneys, Shapewear and More, and Girdlebound all within the past 5 years. She also gets plenty of catalogs in the mail and many of them also display girdles. One of the catalogs we have made purchases from is 'Intimate Appeal'. There are more pix of her on my Flickr site (SpankedbyWife) and we also belong to several Yahoo Groups that deal with women in girdles (on which I have posted several pix of her modeling her girdles). We both feel that wearing a girdle adds to her power as Female Head of this Household.
Loving attention, with a wallop. Interesting to read. Looking forward to future posts.
i never fail being stunned by Female led relationships: the 'peace of containment'.
hairbrush thwacking over girdled thighs would keep me in line . . . and run the danger of keeping me around for more.
how does the sting of punishment not become the elixir of love? what keeps a male in place not keep him craving?
Thanks for the note, she is an awesome lap, wow. I am a true OTK man but have obviously assumed postitions as instructed.
Oh by the way, I know the brush well, and felt it many times. I actually had one but passed it on to a wonderful lady whose lap I visited often, but she and my brush moved to CA. Oh well.
The thick brushes are the best, well worst but the best.
Thanks, great stuff
You are a generous person and I know what its like to pass on a special implement as a gift to those special ladies that are kind enough to blister our bottoms. I have 'gifted' no less that two ladies with a favorite leather paddle (Its the third from the right in the pix of the rack). One of the ladies is actually part of the DWC ladies. I was traveling on business and was in an area near her and was able to secure an appointment with her. She is very good at spanking a man. She had her own inplemments but I did bring my leather paddle which she used on me. She liked it so well that I left it with her, knowing that I could obtain a replacement. The other lady was someone I hooked up with shortly after seperating from my eX. She actually was a 'sub' and really liked to be spanked. I was able to introduce her to wearing girdles and she liked nothing better that to be paddled with the leather paddle while wearing a tight girdle. She could take quite a paddling and would have gone all night if I could have held out that long. Needless to say, I gifted her, too with one of the paddles. I was able to obtain another when, as indicated above, proudly takes its place on my Ladie's rack. Its still one of my favorites and now is one of her favorites, too.
I am not sure I would have parted with my NuWest hairbrush as they are no longer available. When I seperated from my eX, she took some of our implements including a favorite strap of mine. It was one that had a beautiful handle (purpleheart, I think) and I loved the feel of it. It was made by 'The Toy Bag', but sadly, they are no longer in business. It was the inspiration of the 'wooden handled strap' that I hand-made, and also is proudly hanging on her rack (its sixth from the left in the pic).
Incidently, I am proud to report that I introduced the second lady in the above discussion to her 'Domme' side and I think she now considers herself a 'switch'.
I had an incredible relationship with her, proffessional but transcended that to a friendship. She was beautiful and played some great stuff, yes sir, she always found me in panties.
She was into heavier stuff, not easy finding a spanker here in NJ but we did a domestic scene and she was great.
I gave it to her to "remember" me by!!
She is well and happy in CA and the brush is on her rack out there.
I actually gave another awesome brush to another friend, non pro, we have a great time together, she was a switch. It was an original Kent cloths brush I purchased in London. She took it with her when she moved and we ended the relationship. But rest assured I actually purchased two of them so the other is safe and used on a regular basis.
THanks for sharing
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