... Well, you know, we all want to change the world."
Instead, more and more examples of women taking charge are being forwarded to us through comments to our posts or direct e-Mails (we love these and would encourage all readers to utilize them to communicate). I have described a few of the examples in a previous post (Summer Heat on June 22). But it seems like every day I see more examples of women who have taken to spanking their men. These examples include the descriptions in some of the other FLR blogs.

Well, Alan's wife has apparently done more than just agree to spank him on a more regular basis. According to a follow-up e-Mail from Alan, she actually spanked him using a newly acquired paddle/hairbrush. Alan further indicated that she followed up with a taste of her leather strap. Alan has modified our 'Notice of Discipline' form and presented it to his wife. Alan was generous enough to share a scanned copy of the form and also has kindly given me permission to share it along with his story.
Alan's e-Mail further described what happened, "the outcome was beyond my wildest expectations." The bottom line is that Alan got spanked by his wife! He further indicated that he hopes to persuade his lovely wife to further his education into the benefits of a FLR. In an e-Mail just received this morning, Alan said that they have ordered a new oak paddle from Woodrage Paddles, a reference to a post in the blog, 'Her Paddle'. He also said that he is worried that he may have opened a 'Pandora's Box' with regards to getting spanked by his wife. Of course, just like with Pandora, you can never go back. I believe Alan will be looking forward to many loving but effective spankings from his wife. If you look close at the form he sent to me, you see comments she wrote at the bottom of the form, "You asked - you got plus a few extra's. I am watching you. Be careful."
Wow! Ms. Christine, you rock!
Further in this morning's e-Mail I also received a follow-up from Ron, who was also described in the 'Summer Heat' post. Ron indicated that he received another spanking from his wife. And that she really likes spanking him. Apparently, she is even texting him with warnings about getting spanked. This couple seems to really be having fun.
And even I am no exception to all the spanking going on. I got spanked by Cora yesterday evening. She bent me over a kitchen chair (a new position we found that works better as it gives her a better 'target'). She proceeded to bare my bottom, then give me a taste of five of the implements on her rack. I can still feel the tingle this morning. Oh, and yes, I loved it. And oh, how I love her.
Yes, I believe there is a revolution in progress. More women are learning the benefits of spanking their men. And their men are falling in love with them. In some cases, for a second time.
Ladies, Spank On!
Indeed a revolution here, yes folks, I received spanking number two, long hard hand spanking on my underpants and bare bottom. Time was of essence for this scene which was totaly unexpected so my lady ( wife ) did not need much encouragement to spank much harder. It was awesome and she is really starting to get into the role, I love it and love her.
So hang in there all of you who are trying, we are going slowly, not sure I can press the issue too much but the topic of FLR is being talked about a great deal. We are shopping today at a Walmart and a bath brush or hairbrush will be purchased by the two of us together.
Ken and Cora are our inspiration and counselors, thank you so much.
Love the otk and love that brush, thanks for sharing the pic. Cora is such a hot lap!!
Thanks for the inspiration and counsel.
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the welcome. It seems you might be something of a mentor here. How does that feel?!
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