February 4, 2012

New Toys and a Spanking

I have mentioned Dana Kane's blog several times.  She writes a really good blog, has done some amazing videos and has assisted us in some 'behind the scene' technical help.

One of Ms. Kane's videos featured a OTK rug beater that is offered by 'Cane-Iac'.  When I showed this video to Cora she said, "Get one!"  So I hopped onto the Cane-Iac site and located the OTK rug beater.  Sadly, they were out of stock on this item.  Apparently, Ms. Kane's video had quite an 'impact' on their supply.  (Note:  since then they have restocked and Cora now has one.  More on that later).

So, I decided to 'surf' through the site and found some really cool items.  One was a 5 minute hour glass.  I guess technically you would call it a 1/12 Hour Glass.  :-) 

Funny thing, it was only a few days prior to this that we had visited an antique 'mall' near us.  They had a 3 minute egg timer style hour glass but it was very small.  I mentioned to Cora that I thought it would be cool to find an hour glass to go along with some of our 'play'.

That was a couple of weeks ago.  Fast forward to this morning.  Now, I know that many of the male readers probably do a bit of 'web-surfing'.  There is a plethora of FLR things available and I have to admit that I love 'looking around', too.  I don't keep any secrets from Cora and she encourages my time on the computer.   After all, she has gotten many ideas as a result.

I always get up before Cora.  I usually let the pups out, feed them, turn on the espresso machine and then turn on the computer.  This morning, Cora came down earlier than normal and I could tell her mood was 'playful'.

"What are you doing!", she called out.  "Um, er, nothing.  Just getting the espresso machine going". 

"Sure!", she exclaimed and headed to my laptop.  She inspected what was on the computer screen and announced, "You are getting a spanking, later!".

What else could I respond except, "Yes, Ma'am".  I then proceeded to make one of my special espresso concoctions: an Almond Joy - espresso combination.  One of the coffee creamer companies has just produced an Almond Joy flavored coffee creamer.  I microwave 2 ounces of this and add it to a double shot of espresso.  On top of that I add whipped cream from a can.  She absolutely loves this.  This morning she requested a second.

So, with a good coffee-sugar buzz, Cora was not only in a good mood but her energy level was doing quite well.

We adjourned to the bedroom to prepare for the day.  Cora likes to make our bed 'just so' and had completed her task.  She then layed out two pillows near the foot of the bed.  "Over", she instructed. I positioned myself along the foot of the bed presenting my bare bottom for whatever she had in mind.  This was the very first time she had positioned me in this manner.  I was wondering what she had in mind.

Cora then proceeded to attend to a few other things while I lay there waiting.  "I will be right back", I announced and headed to the kitchen.  I then retrieved our new 'hour' glass and returned to the bedroom.  "Good idea!", Cora exclaimed.  I then returned to my original position over the pillows.  Cora then grabbed a couple of items from her bedroom 'Rack', turned over the hour glass and proceeded to administer the spanking that she had promised earlier.

Cora's 'Bedroom Rack'

So, for five minutes I was being spanked by most of the implements on her rack. In fact partway through, she went into her dresser and retrieved a second hairbrush and proceed to spank me two-handed.  Wow!  That was an amazing sensation and really got my attention.  She concluded her session by pulling out her purpleheart 'purse paddle' and gave me several strokes from it.  It has been quite some time since she has used her purse paddle and I had forgotten how intense that little paddle (8 inches long) could be.  Finally, the sand ran out of the hour glass.  However Cora kept going for at least another half minute or so.

When it was over, I was left with a very nice glow.  That must have been 6 or 7 hours ago and I still have one of those really nice 'afterglows'.  I think I will be reminded of my spanking for quite some time.

It was a really nice spanking from Cora and I am glad I got 'caught'.  Oh, and that implement on the far left of Cora's bedroom 'Rack' is another implement that we purchased from Cane-Iac.  Its a purpleheart 'Bottom Burner' and is very well named.  Cora loves purpleheart and decided she wanted me to get one for her.  Who am I not to comply?  Anyway, the 'Bottom Burner' will probable be the source of another post, along with several other items we have obtained from them.  They provide some really nice items and are very reasonably priced.  I have added them to the list of resources on the blog.


Respecting Mistress said...

Great post Ken - and great ideas. That hour glass suggestion will see Mistress in her element scouring the antique shops in our area....

Our Bottoms Burn said...

It's usually fun to introduce something new into play.

otk4us2 said...

Sounds like Cora gave you exactly what you needed.... WAY TO GO CORA!

FLR said...

The OTK rug beater is an implement to be reckoned with, that is the implement of choice my wife uses when noise is an issue. Love your post

Njspank said...

That is wonderful idea, the old hour glass, love it you two continue to help all of us, very hot like Cora made your bottom.


Dana Kane said...

Ken and Cora,
The purple heart Bottom Burner is a tough cookie! Get ready for some bright red strawberries on those buns.